What are data centre tiers?

Actually, the data centre tiers are classification levels that can be used to find the difficulty and redundancy of a data centre infrastructures. These data centre tiers are a system that can be used to explain the certain types of data centre infrastructure in a reliable way. However, tier 1 is a most simple set-up, while tier 4 is a most difficult infrastructure that has most excited parts. Each tier includes the needed parts of the entire tiers.
Why data centre tiers?
In general, the data centre tiers are one of the most effective ways to explain the infrastructure parts, which are being used at the data centre of a business. Comparatively, tier 4 data centre is a most difficult one than the tier 1 data centre, which does not necessarily mean it is well suited for the requirement of a business. While spending in the tier 1 setup may leave a business open to threat and tier 4 infrastructures may be an over-spending.
Different kinds of data centre tiers
Actually, the data centres are a method devised by the uptime institute to examine the infrastructure of a data centre. The tier classification system offers the data centre industry with a reliable approach to compare usually distinct and customized facilities depend on estimated site infrastructure uptime or performance. There are four kinds of data centre tiers available such as:
Tier 1: It has a single path for power and cooling as well as a few, if any backup and redundant parts. It has an estimated uptime of 99.671%.
Tier 2: This data centre has a solo path for power and cooling as well as some backup and redundant parts. It has an estimated uptime of 99.741%.
Tier 3: This data centre has several paths for power and cooling as well as systems in location to update and also maintain it without taking it offline. It has an estimated uptime of 99.982%.
Tier 4: It is specially built to be fully fault tolerant and also has redundancy for each part. It has an estimated uptime of 99.995%.
When you choose any of these datacenter tiers, make sure that they are suitable for your business and can also tolerate the occasional server downtime, after routine business hours or on weekends. Even multinational companies are using these data centre tier and run their business on 24/7 without any lacking.