All You Need To About BitFutures

If you like to trade of commodities, currencies, and other such indices across the world with your cryptocurrencies, BitFutures is the platform you need to register at once. BitFutures provides you the platform to trade in popular indices like crude oil, silver, gold, natural gases and likewise at the minimum possible rates. They offer micro-contracts for all these indices so that you can do trading using a very small amount of bitcoins. If you think you have some extra money in your pocket with which you can be successful in crypto prediction markets, you should not wait any further.
Different Aspects Of BitFutures
What Can You trade – Using BitFutures platform, you can buy or short sell popular indices like Crude oil, Natural Gas, Soybeans, and Corn in the commodity segment. It is currency segment, you can trade in EUR/USD and USD/JPY and their movements are good to give you daily profits. In the precious metals, you can trade in gold and silver. Other than these, there are US T-Bonds and US t-Year T-Note which people trade for hedging.
Payment System – The best part and also the exclusive part of BitFutures is that it allows you to do future trading using cryptocurrencies. To be more specific, if you have bitcoins with you, you can use them to buy contracts in the above-mentioned indices. You do not have to transfer money from your bank and pay a commission to the middleman. You can save a lot and rather than making your bitcoins sit like a duck, you can invest them in the crypto prediction markets.
Sporting Events – If you like betting the sports events, BitFutures offer you the platform to do so. There are binary futures contracts which will either become 0 or go up to 100 based on the outcomes of the specific sports events like MMA, NFL and likewise. If you think you can bet on your favorite team or a game, you can do so conveniently.
Pool Games – You can create pool games where other BitFutures users can invest their money. You can use those investments to trade in specific indices or events. But you cannot move the investments or withdraw them. Thence, the money of the investors stays safe and the profit or loss will be distributed as per the investment percentage of the whole pool games. This is a unique feature that is making BitFutures extremely popular and more and more experienced people are opting for pool games to make money regularly.